Are you feeling extremely tired after a good night’s sleep and can’t seem to remain active during the day? Having difficulty committing to the same exercise routine you’ve had for years? Starting to lose interest in sexual activity? Found yourself looking in the mirror and noticed that you put on a few extra pounds? Does your skin feel coarse and dry? Of course, many medical conditions could cause these symptoms to occur. However, if you were reasonably healthy before these issues started, it’s highly likely that you may be suffering from low testosterone
Testosterone, an essential androgen hormone found in males and females, is one of the main driving forces behind the many aspects of a man’s health. This nifty hormone helps your body build bone mass, develop muscle strength, maintain metabolism, manage weight distribution, and even fuel your sex drive. Without it, the body has a much harder time functioning at total capacity. And when there isn’t enough testosterone around to help the body to maintain itself, it can lead to various physical changes such as daily fatigue, decreased muscle mass, low libido drive, increased weight gain, and other unwanted symptoms that can appear suddenly and without warning. Typically, these types of issues usually occur when your testosterone levels fall below the normal parameters, and your body is unable to make up for the deficiency. But if you haven’t done anything different over the past few years and have never experienced these issues before, it can make you wonder, “what could possibly cause my testosterone to decrease?”
Well, that can be a tricky answer. There are a number of factors that could cause your testosterone levels to decline, such as age, constant stress, trauma, or testicular injury. In some cases, men may be dealing with all of those factors at the same time. However, you may be surprised to know that some of the foods you eat are also usually the most common causes of low testosterone. That means if you’re hoping to keep your testosterone maintained so you can start feeling like yourself again, you’ll need to change your diet. Luckily, this is an easy fix when you know what foods to avoid. Up until now, you’ve more than likely been consuming a reasonable amount of testosterone-killing meals and beverages and didn’t even know it. Well, with this article, that changes for you today.
So, which foods and drinks can do the most damage to your testosterone? Don’t worry, we’ve compiled a brief list for you. Let’s take a look at the top seven foods that can utterly destroy your testosterone.
Over the last decade, soy products such as soy milk, edamame, tofu, and tempeh have grown increasingly popular for their nutritional benefits. And rightfully so, as soy is a good source of fiber, protein, and cholesterol, as well as lactose-free, which is a plus for vegans and adults who wish to avoid eating dairy products. However, many researchers believe that eating soy may significantly lower your testosterone, and there are some great reasons to back up their claims.
Soy contains phytoestrogens isoflavones, a compound in the estrogen family typically found in plants. As members of the estrogen family, phytoestrogens can bind to the estrogen receptors inside the body and increase your estrogen levels, which reduces androgen receptor activity and, in turn, may lower your testosterone.
However, the opinions are mixed on whether soy can actually affect your testosterone levels. In a 2009 clinical study, researchers found that some soy foods or isoflavone supplements had no significant effect on men’s testosterone levels. But there is other research that may suggest otherwise. Based on a study conducted in 2013, research also found that men who regularly drank soy protein for two weeks had lower testosterone levels than males who drank whey protein for the same amount of time.
Although more research is needed to attain a definitive answer as to whether soy truly lowers testosterone levels, it may be in your best interest to view soy as a possible testosterone-killer just to be safe.
Of course, it’s been emphasized many times that you should always drink alcohol in moderation. Although studies show that drinking a glass of wine occasionally with a meal can be beneficial for your health, everyone knows that a night of excessive alcohol consumption can significantly impair your judgment, which of course, can lead you to get involved in unsavory situations. But in addition to a crazy night and a possible hangover in the morning, drinking too much alcohol can also lower your testosterone. In a 2004 study, research revealed that men who consumed 2 to 3 alcoholic drinks every day for three weeks significantly decreased their testosterone levels by 6.8%.
Many researchers believe this may be due to alcohol’s effect on the glands and the organs needed for testosterone production. Aside from being bad for your liver, kidneys, and heart, studies show that excessive alcohol consumption can also impair the function of your pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and testes, which are all needed to promote healthy testosterone production. So, the next time you decide to have a beer with your friends, you may want to consider limiting your alcohol intake if you wish to avoid reducing your testosterone.
Unfortunately, if you’re an avid cheese lover or fond of milk, you may also need to consider eliminating those dairy products from your diet if you’re trying to avoid lowering your testosterone. As you know, pregnant female cows are primarily responsible for most of the milk produced and sold on the market. However, due to their increased estrogen levels during pregnancy, female cows also produce milk that’s rich in estrogen, which can suppress the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) needed to release the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) responsible for producing and synthesizing your testosterone.
Naturally, suppressing GnRH can negatively affect your FSH and LH levels, which in turn can decrease your testosterone. As a result, men who regularly drink milk and eat dairy products are at a much higher risk of having low testosterone levels than those who do so occasionally. In fact, research from a 2010 study revealed that regularly ingesting the estrogens in milk on a daily basis can lead to reduced testosterone secretion.
However, if you’re not ready to give up your milk consumption, you can try other alternatives to avoid ingesting too much estrogen. Try drinking low-fat or skim milk and instead look for dairy products that are rich in Vitamin D, which can help boost your testosterone. If you’re looking to avoid dairy completely, you can also substitute it for other plant-based milk alternatives such as almond and coconut milk so you can still receive the same nutritional benefits to keep your testosterone levels balanced.
For a long time, mint has been used as a traditional herbal treatment for digestive complications, sinus issues, and stress. The herb is even extremely popular as a tea for its wealth of Vitamin C, antioxidants, and other minerals and is even widely used in many chewing gum products due to its effectiveness as a breath freshener. However, despite its various benefits, researchers believe that mint may also have adverse effects on your hormone levels.
Based on a 2004 animal study, researchers concluded that male rats given peppermint or spearmint tea regularly had lower testosterone levels than rats provided with regular drinking water. In addition, other research reveals that regular doses of spearmint also led to increased oxidative stress in rats, which has also been shown to kill testosterone.
Unfortunately, there isn’t much research involving human test subjects for these conclusions, so it is still unclear if mint’s effects on testosterone would generate the same response in human males. Nevertheless, you may fare better avoiding mint and substituting it with another herb, such as ginger.Several studies show that ginger can significantly help to increase testosterone production in males. So the next time you plan to make a cup of tea, make sure you avoid the mint in your cabinet and spice up your beverage with a bit of ginger for some extra testosterone-boosting nutrition.
Who doesn’t like a good cup of coffee? For many people, a nice mug of caffeine is the only way to start the day after waking up in the morning. But although it’s a great way to get you up and running, drinking coffee on a regular basis may also impact your testosterone levels. Unfortunately, this remains inconclusive due to the conflicting results found in research. Some research revealed that caffeinated coffee could actually increase your total testosterone, while other research has shown that high levels of caffeine were associated with low testosterone levels in men. Another study concluded that caffeine intake has no visible effect on a man’s testosterone levels. However, just to be safe, you may want to consider limiting your coffee consumption if you’re hoping to maintain your testosterone levels.
Green Tea
For all the tea lovers out there, you may not like what you’re about to read. Aside from mint tea, green tea has also been shown to significantly reduce testosterone. According to a 1998 study conducted by the Saitama Cancer Center Research Institute in Japan, research revealed that excessive consumption of green tea could lead to increased levels of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), which can decrease the amount of free testosterone in the bloodstream. In addition, another study found that high levels of green tea inhibit testosterone production in the Leydig cells of rats, which can also lead to reduced testosterone levels.
Trans Fats
There’s nothing wrong with eating a bag of chips or a microwave dinner now and then. Even a burger and fries from your favorite fast-food restaurant every once in a while won’t hurt you. However, just like everything else, eating too many fried and processed foods can actually become harmful to your health. And that includes your testosterone.
Most processed foods like TV dinners and packaged snacks contain trans fats, which are chemically processed from vegetable oils to help extend their shelf life at the grocery store. French fries, chicken, and other fried foods are also cooked with vegetable oil, providing various sources of trans fats.
Unfortunately, eating those same trans fats on a regular basis can also eradicate your testosterone. Trans fats have been linked to long-term inflammation and insulin resistance, which can cause your testosterone levels to decrease. In addition, trans fats have also been shown to reduce the levels of sex hormone globulin in the body, which is needed to carry testosterone throughout the body. As a result, research shows that increased trans fats intake can lower levels of SHBG and lower your testosterone levels.
So, you may want to cut back on heading to the drive-thru for that burger and fries on your lunch break and spend a few extra dollars eating a testosterone-boosting food like a nice steak or lobster at a high-end restaurant if you want to keep your testosterone levels elevated and maintained.
Avoiding or reducing the intake of particular testosterone-killing food and drinks is a natural and highly effective way to have healthy testosterone. Even if your testosterone levels aren’t low, you’ll certainly feel a positive difference after finding a healthy balance of foods and modifying your diet. However, if you’re starting to feel symptoms of hormone imbalance and are looking for natural ways to raise your testosterone, switching your diet to include more testosterone-boosting foods is a great way to elevate your hormone levels. Making certain lifestyle changes and getting plenty of sleep can also do wonders for your testosterone and improve your overall health. It may be difficult at first, but once you get used to your diet and gradually adjust to a healthier routine, the improvement you’ll see will make your commitment worthwhile in the long run.
If you’re trying to build a testosterone-boosting diet and are unsure which foods can help you reach your goals, you can always reach out to the medical professionals at Renew Vitality. Our wellness experts can study your physiology and provide you with a tasty customized diet plan guaranteed to boost and maintain your testosterone levels efficiently. Along with your diet, they can also provide you with a fun and manageable fitness regimen to help you fully unlock the benefits of those testosterone-building foods so you can feel healthier, stronger, and more energetic as you take on your next daily activity. Call 1-866-995-2371 and schedule an appointment with one of our wellness experts to discuss creating a customized diet and exercise plan that can help you increase your testosterone.