This peptide is no longer available due to it being placed on the FDA’s list 2. To view other alternative peptides please click the links below: Tesamorelin Sermorelin For every human being, growth hormone plays an essential role in regulating the body’s organ function, bone density, and tissue growth. However, once adults reach their 40s,…
This peptide is no longer available due to it being placed on the FDA’s list 2. To view other alternative peptides please click the links below: Tesamorelin Sermorelin After the age of 30, many patients begin to experience the downsides of the aging process. Most adults exhibit common age-related symptoms such as reduced energy, muscle…
Ever since we were children, our bodies have relied on human growth hormones to help us grow into strong, healthy, functioning adults. Although rarely discussed, human growth hormone (HGH) is an essential component in the human body that helps maintain our health and well-being. Found in the pituitary gland, HGH is vital for a human’s…
Testosterone Replacement Therapy has been a hotly debated topic amongst medical professionals in the last few decades. However, the consensus is that TRT is an extremely promising treatment for men with the symptoms of hypogonadism also known as low testosterone production. In this article, we will explore the medical benefits of TRT and how it…
Key Takeaways 1.) Metformin is an FDA-approved anti-diabetic medication that has shown promising potential in improving many biological processes responsible for accelerating aging and increasing mortality. 2.) In clinical trials, Metformin was shown to effectively treat various age-related diseases such as Parkinson’s, coronary heart disease, and osteoporosis, thus helping diabetic patients improve their health and…
For many Type 2 diabetics, metformin is one of the most common medications used in diabetes management. In many cases, it is usually first prescribed when diet and exercise alone are insufficient to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. As a diabetic medicine, metformin lowers blood sugar production by improving how the body handles insulin release,…
Key Takeaways Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a medical treatment that utilizes doses of testosterone to increase testosterone levels in men with low testosterone. However, TRT doses may vary depending on each case and are usually primarily based on the patient’s needs and their response to treatment. Taking TRT doses twice weekly vs. a once-a-week…
For every male, testosterone is the lifeblood that fuels many of the essential physical traits and biological functions that allow them to live comfortably. The well-known androgen hormone is one of the most important sex hormones in the male endocrine system as it is primarily responsible for a man’s cognitive thinking, weight distribution, sexual function,…
Regardless of age and gender, every human being is dependent on the human growth hormone for their overall health, physical function, and a general sense of well-being. During childhood, we rely heavily on growth hormones to ensure the development of our organs, muscle tissue, and bone growth as we transition from children into adults. Even…

Improve Your Quality Of Life
At Renew Vitality, we personalize your wellness program to highlight and address your specific concerns and ailments. Never taking the cookie-cutter approach to physical health, your Renew Vitality health partner works to guide you through your own personal wellness program.
Combining hormone replacement therapy with a comprehensive diet and exercise program, your journey with us is engineered to deliver uncompromised, optimal health and wellness.
Renew Vitality Will Help Relieve Low-T Symptoms
Low testosterone or testosterone deficiency can adversely affect your everyday life. Reduced testosterone can cause a decrease in sexual desire and lead to erectile dysfunction. In addition, it can cause mood swings, irritability, and depression, which can affect your interactions with fellow employees and family members.
Low testosterone can also cause your body to deteriorate and become vulnerable to other severe medical conditions. By adversely affecting these aspects of your life, low testosterone can drastically affect your overall wellness and happiness.