Daniel Martinez

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First of all, let me say this journey was not easy. It was not immediate. But, without Renew Vitality and Dr. Jacquemin, it would have been impossible. Before TRT and Renew Vitality’s Testosterone Clinic, I was a sad, depressed person. I hated myself for weighing over 400 pounds. I was a lousy husband—an inadequate father. And I had no clue how I let it get out of control. Once I created this unhealthy spiral, I could not find my way out. I had tried everything to the point where I relegated myself to “I will always be fat” and “I am going to die early.” I just assumed that would be my fate. You have to understand that I have tried everything outside of surgery. Every diet. Every drink. Most programs- all failed.

And then, I was introduced to Dr. Jacquemin. The trio of Dr. Jacquemin, Renew Vitality, and my personal Renew Vitality representative checking in on me weekly, at times- helped make the impossible possible; they helped save my life. Dr. Jacquemin has been one of the most hands-on doctors I’ve ever had. He goes beyond the normal “take this” and do this; he teaches patients and is an up-to-date subject matter expert in helping optimize your life, longevity, and TRT. He and Joe Walsh, the personal Renew Vitality representative, helped make this journey possible.

So, what is TRT doing for me? Well, the proof is in the pictures. I have been fat since my Army injury in 2006. I was fresh out of surgery and still eating as if I ran 5 miles a day. After being honorably discharged b/c the injury, I fell into a depression. That was not supposed to be the plan. The depression and weight gain continued for years. I was lost. I needed a change. I needed Renew Vitality.

After going through the process with Renew Vitality, my labs came back with what Dr. Jacquemin had suspected was wrong with me. Low testosterone. Now, I didn’t take the first dose and just jumped up ready to go. Getting my body back to a place where I could exercise took time daily. I’m pretty sure my metabolism was nonexistent. I let myself get to over 400 pounds. TRT started to kick in after the first three months. I could tell that I was feeling better; I wasn’t so sore; I started to love my life; I enjoyed sex again, but weight doesn’t just come off. I slowly lost weight in my first year, and then something happened. I hit a switch. I realized I am on TRT, and this stuff is working- now it is time for me to do some work. I started listening to everything Dr. Jacquemin said, including diet, etc. (along with my medication for anxiety). I made a choice not to waste this treatment. Not to waste this opportunity. My positive mental change was made possible b/c of the things testosterone replacement was showing me was possible. So, I committed fully and will never look back.

Look- TRT, Dr. Jacquemin, Renew Vitality, and Joe Walsh helped get my body and mind to a place where life was worth living. Without them, I don’t know how bad it would have gotten. Their ability to help me has unquestionably changed so many things for the positive. My wife and kids are happier now that Papi is happy. I go to every event and make the most out of it b/c there was a time when I was too embarrassed to show up. The positive ripples of the work done by these wonderful people will be felt for a lifetime and beyond. Thank you!

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